Curse the Dawn

Curse the Dawn - Karen Chance Este párrafo me terminó de convencer (no es que ya no lo estuviera antes ... desde el segundo libro al menos) de que PRITKIN se roba la serie entera y Cassie tiene que dejar de ser una pelmaza y terminar de una vez por todas con ese triangulo amoroso al pedo (ODIO LOS TRIANGULOS LOS ODIO CON TODO MI SER )

En fin , como decía , este párrafo de Cassie sobre JOHN PRITKIN :

He wasn't that good-looking, he had the social skills of a wet cat and the patience of a caffeinated hummingbird. In between crazy stunts and, okay, saving my life, he was just really annoying. When we'd started working together, I'd assumed it would be a question of putting up with Pritkin; then suddenly the stupid hair was making me smile, and the sporadic heroics were making my heart jump and the constant bitching had me wanting to kiss him quiet. And now I cared more than was good for me.

Uno de los mejores personajes de la fantasía urbana . Siempre una sorpresa el gran PRITKIN .