The Other Woman

The Other Woman - Eric Jerome Dickey Leer este libro fue como ver una obra de teatro . Cuando estàs viendo una escena , absorbès solamente lo que los actores estàn diciendo . El decorado no te interesa , elambiente carece de importancia . A veces ni siquiera existe muebles ni àrboles de cartòn . Lo que te llega , lo que te provoca dolor y te hace un nudo en la garganta es lo que en ese momento , sentado en una butaca con otras decenas de personas, estàs compartiendo vos como mero espectador con los actores . Lo que se vive arriba en el escenario . Estàs tan obnubilado que , a pesar de estar dònde estàs, rodeado de desconocidos , lo que te rodea deja de existir y no podès concetrarte màs que en un par de personas respresentando una historia que durante unas horas se te hace lo màs tangible en el mundo .

Exactamente lo mismo me pasò con este libro .

En todo momento estàs pendiente de cada diàlogo ,cada gesto . Lo que se dice es lo màs importante y lo que no es lo que desencadena las acciones. El autor te hace vivir cada momento en tiempo real , te describe casi sin llegar a describirlo las emociones que se suceden en el corazòn y la cabeza de una mujer que ,no sòlo descubre que su marido le es infiel sino que tiene la chance de leer cada palabra de amor,cada conversaciòn de chat y correos intercambiados entre su amor y el amor de otro .

Còmo puede haber tanta emociòn , tanta verdad ,tantos corazones desgarrados , tanta locura ... Tanto ,tanto en un libro tan corto . Mucha realidad y palabras que una misma puede haber dicho , cosas que una pudo haber hecho , TODO ESTO escrito por un hombre que nos habla como una mujer . IN-CRE-I-BLE.

Despuès del final te quedàspensando ,poniendote en el lugar de cada personaje y ,como bien dice el autor al final , vs que no hay un villano , ninguno es malo malo . Cada uno tiene un poco de culpa y en el fondo ,por ahì podès entender porque hicieron lo que hicieron.

Y ,còmo termina ... durante varias escenas del libro , el autor te deja anticipar que final se va a vivir .

Les dejo un par de citas que me gustaron .Un par entre decenas porque el libro està muy bien escrito.

“Was it something I did?” I ask, falling into that Stupid Woman Syndrome. “Or didn’t do? Have I not been holding up my end of this marriage?”
“It wasn’t you. It was ... It was stupid. That’s all.”
Feels like everything I’ve done is wrong. I’m the victim, victimizing myself even more.
I’m not incompetent. And I haven’t done anything wrong. I’m nobody’s victim.
I say, “Your biggest complaint is that I’m successful. That’s my crime.”
He says nada. The wedding pictures on our walls stare at us.

Esto es genial....

Lista de preguntas al marido infiel . Por favor responder a mano y hacer una copia en Microsoft Word :

1. Did she know that you were married?
2. Did you know that she was married?
3. Do I know her? Have I met her anywhere at any time, even in passing?
4. How long has this been going on? Give me a start date. The first time it happened (location) and when. Last time. You claim this wasn’t that serious, but her husband seems to think differently, so I need to know whose fuck ‘n’ chuck count is off. Guess how many times you were with her.
5. Where did you meet to have sex? Give me geographi callocations. Cities, hotels, homes, apartments, parks, vehicles, all of that should be included.
6. Did you use a condom EVERY time? (If so, did it ever break or slip off? If not, what were you thinking?)
7. Did you give her oral sex at ANY time?
8. Did she go down on you?
9. Did you ever tell her you loved her?
10. Did you ever tell her that you didn’t or don’t love me?
11. Did you discuss our sex life with her?
12. After sex did you hold her?
13. Who else knows? How many other people? Give me names. Friends and non-friends. Coworkers count as non-friends.
14. How often did you meet? Approximate dates.
15. Did you date? (The answer is obvious.) Where did you go? And a DATE (to avoid any double-talk or ambiguity) includes being in separate cars OR traveling in the same plane, train, or automobile, and it doesn’t matter if you split the tab or one of you picked up the check. It doesn’t have to be a high-class dinner at EuroChow or a discreet meeting at TGIF, could just be walking on the beach, in a mall, on Crenshaw, talking.
16. Did you fuck her the same days you made love to me?
17. Did you make love to me the same days you went off and fucked her? I know this sounds like question 16, but trust me, in my mind it’s different.
18. Were you ever planning to leave me for her?
19. Did you ever want her to want you in that way, to take you away from me?
20. What did I do wrong? Or what didn’t I do?
21. Since trust is no longer a constant in our relationship (your fault, not mine), we have to come up with a way to verify your answers. And to verify all of your answers, this is what we do: Arrange a meeting between David and Jessica Lawrence, not over the phone, face-to-face, like mature adults, at a neutral place, a public place where we can check ID (driver’s license or passport) and verify that everyone is who they say they are, so we can sit down and talk this out and see where we all stand. We’ll split the tab 50/50.
22. Questions 22-25 are pending. Don’t worry, when my headache dies down, I will think of something to ask Jessica when we’re face-to-face.